Aura and Chakra Awareness
A ura and Chakra Awareness is all in the colors. Let's dig deep and find out what it all means and how it pertains to you, your life, and lifestyle. Colors and no we are not talking about the movie with the Ice T soundtrack. We're talking about Colors red , pink , blue , yellow you know the rest. According to Google, color is considered an object that reflects light. An Aura, pertains to FEELINGS that radiate off of you and surrounds your body. Auras are delicate energy fields that envelop living organisms, thought to mirror their emotional, mental, physical states, and spiritual well-being. To comprehend auras, one must connect with this energy and analyze its colors, patterns, and strength. The Aura Origin The idea of auras has roots in ancient spiritual and mystical practices across various cultures globally. Mentions of auras can be discovered in Hindu, Buddhist, Taoist, and Greek teachings, among others. Within these belief systems, auras are commonly link...